What do our children think about Groby?

Groby children like the shops, the parks, the lights on the lamp posts at Christmas, and nature – especially the woods.

This was the response of the school council of pupils at Martinshaw Primary School when asked to express their views about Groby Parish to help guide development of our Neighbourhood Plan.

We’re pleased to learn that our children are really engaged with the idea and are eager to have their say. After all, our children have the most to gain as future plans for Groby take shape – all of which our Neighbourhood Plan will help to guide.

Here’s what else they said:

What do you not like about Groby?

“Bags of rubbish at the sides of the road, dog poo left on the grass at the park, dog poo bags thrown into the bushes.”

Is there anything that you would change or improve on?

“More car parks, upgrade or improve park equipment for older children.”

Are there enough things for children to do?

“There is not enough for teenagers to do, parks can be boring, how about a climbing frame?”

Do you feel safe?

“I worry about the electric scooters on the pavements”
“I worry about teenagers staring at me.”

Any environmental issues?

“The litter at the sides of the roads is really bad, it makes our village look messy. Teenagers hanging around make me feel like I can’t go out and play on my own, how about a youth club?”

There’s so much we can do about these issues right now without a Neighbourhood Plan – putting litter and dog poo in bins, and respecting pedestrians.

But making parks more exciting, giving teenagers something to do, and creating more car parks all take time, money, and effort. Your Neighbourhood Plan will ensure your voices and those of our children are heard in any future plans for development in Groby Parish.

Help Shape the Future of Groby Parish

Add your voice to future plans for Groby.

Take the survey online

Or to find out more and see how you can help, visit us online at http://www.groby.org.uk/neighbourhood-plan or write to Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ or call 0116 287 6985 for further information.