Drugs Catalytic Converter Beavers and WhatsApp Scam

Hello, Hope you are well.

We have received a report of a theft of a catalytic converter from a vehicle on Forresters Road (by Hinckley Road). The current time frame is from 19:00 on 23rd to 08:07 on the 24th September. The vehicle involved is a Honda CR-V. If you saw or heard anything or have any CCTV that may help then please get in touch. 21000555342.

We have received a report of a WhatsApp scam where a message from what appears to be a family member has requested money from them. The family member knew nothing about the message. It is unknown how anyone has gained access to the account but just remember to never give your bank details to anyone over the phone. It could well be that their password was compromised. Please change your passwords regularly and if you are concerned you have been a victim of a scam, get straight on the phone to your bank and report to ActionFraud. Also see link to check if your Email has been compromised. https://haveibeenpwned.com/

You Said We Did. Vehicle recovered from Lutterworth road following feedback from residents. Section 165 used to seize the vehicle.

I visited the Beavers at the Scout hut on Thursday evening to help them towards earning their safety activity and my world challenge award badge. We spoke about stranger danger, road safety and what makes a good community. They also spent time dressing up in Police uniform and taking a look around the Police car. They did fantastic and seemed to really enjoy themselves.

We are continuing with investigations into the recent vehicle damage in Burbage. If you do have any information and have not already spoken to us, please get in touch. It is also vital that your incidents are reported to Police via https://www.leics.police.uk/ .

Stop and search Pc Sharpe
Whilst out patrolling in Burbage, Pc Sharpe completed a stop/search on a vehicle in the Featherston Drive area.

Items recovered during the search of the vehicle include a quantity of drugs, cash and other items. Two arrests were made and the incident is currently under investigation. Some great work from Pc sharpe helping keep the streets safe.

The impact of drug use/dealing spreads far and wide. Do you know what your children are up to when they are out and about? Who are they associating with? Where are they, what are they doing? Do you understand the dangers involved in drug activity and use?

Illegal drug activity (using or dealing) can affect children of all ages and upbringings so please take time to have a chat with your child or grandchild.

Take a look at the links around county lines, signs to look out for if you are concerned about someone or Turning point if you or someone you know needs support.

Update on Burbage stabbing incident

Two teenage boys have been charged following the stabbing of a teenager in Burbage in May.
The boys aged 16, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have both been charged with section 18 grievous bodily harm.
One of them has also been charged with possession of a knife.
One boy appeared at Leicester Youth Court on Monday 20 September while the other is due at the same court on Monday 4 October.
The charges relate to an incident in St Catherine Close on the afternoon of Thursday 20 May whereby a 16-year-old boy sustained a single stab wound.

Take care and thank you for your kind feedback and ratings. It is really appreciated.

Darren 6035

It is really useful is you RATE, SHARE or PRINT this message. You can also REPLY directly to me if you wish to communicate with me.
Did you know you can report crime and incidents using our online portal. Please visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ Click on REPORT .
In an emergency dial 999

Please do not report crime or Incidents via ‘Neighbourhood Link’ as the messages are not always monitored.